Community Impact Grant Application

The Community Impact Grant Application is now closed


In 2016, United Way transitioned to a Community Impact Model to open funding to additional partners, to better align with community needs, and to encourage partner collaboration and impact on community-wide outcomes.  United Way chose to implement this new funding process over the course of five years to allow time for our partners, the community, and our donors to understand and prepare for this successful implementation.

  • In year one, United Way introduced a new grant application process with required measurable outcomes to our currently funded partners. During this time, partner organizations were provided technical support for writing successful grant applications, demonstrating outcome measurement, and implementing program evaluation. United Way’s Investment Review Panel was developed to assist with grant review and funding recommendations.

  • In year two, United Way introduced two funding streams, currently sponsored programs, and new and targeted initiatives. Two separate funding streams allowed new programs to apply for funding. We continued to provide technical support and focus on strengthening output and outcome measurement requirements from currently sponsored programs and incorporated the new programs into our current work, building collaboration among the larger, more comprehensive United Way network.
  • In year three, United Way introduced a multi-year funding cycle, with one-year funding, followed by a one-year renewal of funding, dependent on our United Way campaign success. We continued to provide technical support and focused on strengthening output and outcome measurement requirements and creating shared indicators for community outcomes.
  • In year four, United Way worked with funded partners to focus on shared community outputs and outcomes. With partner input, United Way worked to refine the process of reporting and focused on creating a competitive grant process that has opened funding to non-profits in our service area that fully aligns with our pillars and our communities’ specific needs around health, education and income/financial stability.
  • In our fifth and final year of the community impact transition, United Way has completed the design work and systems necessary for a fully competitive grant process which opens in January of 2020.
  • United Way’s goal moving forward is the creation of a new five-year plan focusing on impacting target issues and community-level goals in our community.